Amelia Aleesya. 7.07pm she was born to earth. XD
Hello. Tu pat atas tu is my adeq. Yup my ADEQ.
Can you believe it? Yes? No? -..-
But baby leesya cnt go home yet ='(
She needs to be in Special Nursery Center cause her white blood cells got infection. ='(
Sad siol. Aku adelah bgn pagi2 cepat siap nak dokong baby nye pasal. ='(
Check2 tkleh. Cume my parents jek leh masok laen org takleh. SAD OR WHAT SIOL.
Leesya. Cpt2 recover k? I nak carry you ='''(((
Haiys. Cian mommy pikeran dier. If mom boleh balek she dowan go home.
Bab she wanna go home same2 ngn Leesya baby. =''((
Hmm..hopefully cepat recover lahh leesya. =((
I keep staring at her picture seyy. She's so cute. Very cute.
Her cheeks. Her eyes. Her everything =D
Hmm. now at hospital. Feel like gg home. Cause I sleepy. Haiyak.
Just now my teacher call me. -..-
Talk to my dad all. I coming skool tmrw. Have to lahh.
Miss a lot of lessons already. =((
Hopefully I can catch up. If not I'll just join the april intake better.
Hah. See how lah. I feel like joining the april intake seyy.
Cause I dont feel like studying now seyy. Hmmss..
See how lah. Smlm bby accompany I pat umah.
Thx bby. Haha. You know I know ah bby.
Yr responsibilty tao . Heh. Kk bye XD
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