Im scared of you. Really. Aaahh. Fuck it ='(
Kana lecture/ scolding from bby again.
Okay I admit its my fault.
Okay you deserve to scold me or whatever shit lah.
Im a PATHETIC gf k bby?
Happy now that I admit myself Im pathetic???? -..-
Didn't sleep the whole nyte last nyte cause was at waiting lounge.
Waiting for mom lah. My back hurts. Everything abt me hurts.
Im hurt physically and mentally too ='((
Gahh. I had enough of everything sio. I feel like giving you up seyy.
But to think back after what we've gone through just to be together mcm wasted.
If I let you go. I have to change. Change for the better. Gaahhhh.
TAK BOLEH ANGST SIOL. Maybe now I noe how Aniz feels when she kenek lectured that time.
='(( I'm so hurt sio. Feel like crying but I noe lah I cant cry.
Im still hurt sia bout yesterday. You shout to me otp.
You maki samore. Gaahhh.
This is my 1st time I scared of my own boyfie.
1st time my own boyfie maki2. Grrr...
Ikotkan hati nak maki balek sio. Tapi pakai akal salah aku.
I deserve it sial. Cibai. ='((
Time2 susah aku , kau buat aku lagi susah siak. ='((
Gaaahhhh... Nnti nak kene jumpe kau lagi.
Adoi takot pe aku. Naik phobia siak aku ngn kau. Cb ='((
Harap2 kite due nkmo prangai ah pls ahh. ='((
Haiyayayyayaya, FML. FTW.
Kau suro aku delete num ex aku sume k ah aku da delete.
Kau nak aku delete my guyfrens nye number?
Kau gile pe? Kwn jek pe. Haiayayyayayaya.
Aku nanak kau nye trust terhadap aku hilang sioolll bby.
Aku tau kau tgh down psl prangai aku. Gaahhh!!!!!!
Tau smlm aku dodok diam2 sial pat KKH. Tau tak kuar merayap. Haiya now.
All da terlmbt. Haiyayaayay. Bby aku mintak maaf byk2 ah sial.
Jgn maki hamon aku lagi ah ='((
Tak boleh angst sia kau maki aku. Hati aku pecah bodoh!
Grrrrr.. Aku tau salah aku! Tapi hati aku saket !!!!!!!!!!
Aku cam nak MIA dari kau ah. Grrr.. aku takut ngn kau ='((
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