Ouch. Im hurt. Help?
Gahh! Just fought with bby.
Not actually fight lah. But get lecture ngn bby.
Its not his fault. Its my fault -..-
Im soo unappreciative and so selfish!!!
I only think abt myself and I nvr think of him -..-
When he lecture me, then I realise.
Whatever he said to me is FUCKING TRUE SIAL.
I have to make up to him abt what happen yesterday.
Haiys. Thursday isn't my happy day. Haiyaaaaa.
Went to visit Jas with Punani's at 7pm -..-
Then reach home b4 10pm?
Then otp ngn bby and there goes. Everything's out.
ALL OUT I should say.
Straight to my mafaka face he gimme.
He lecture me upside down, rightside up.
He wants me to change for the better. Haiys. I try k bby? I try.
This is the 2nd or 3rd time he lecturing me already. GOD.
I think more will be coming if I dont change -..-
My mentality has to change. I no longer a secondary skool student.
Im an ITE student. Gonna graduate THIS YEAR !
If I dont go Poly, have to work at TTSH NEXT FREAKING YEAR!
And there's working life for you! OMFG. All happening so fast!
The next thing I know, Im gonna get married???!!!!
Oukay...Not the marriage part. Haiya bby really upset with me yesterday.
I really am a bad gf am I? I feel so FUCKING UPSET WITH MYSELF!
Bby told me that he seriously love me and he got no time for puppy love.
Weelllll.. where got time for puppy love sia????!!!
If I want this relationship to last, I have to strive for it.
Things cnt always go my way. Things have to change!
Serious freaking change! I have to act like my age already!
No more playing ard! SERIOUS FUCK!
Gaaahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! This is all stressing me.
Yes indeed I was hurt when bby lecture me all. But I deserve it ryte?
It was all my fault. Haiys. Im gonna have to change for the better.
I dowanna fight with bby anymore! I dowan him to keep telling me this that all.
I dowan him to remind me of my mistakes cause I wanna spot my mistakes MYSELF.
I breakdown sioooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SHIT! Tears also come out when I typing this. FUCK AH!
Thot of meeting bby today if the reunion tak jadi.
But he made it clear to me that his not gonna meet me today.
Sad much? But its to prevent the same thing from happening again.
To bby :
Bby. Im sorry I caused you all this trouble. I know Im selfish.
I know I think of myself. I never thot of the sacrifices you make for me.
I know you want me to change for the better. I know that what I did to you.
It hurts you alot. You even told me that luckily you change.
Cause if not you'll be scolding me so harsh.....
Haiya. Bby? Im so velly2 sorry. I know I spoiled yr day all.
Cause of this, you even turned down yr frens outing.
Haiya. Im all selfish ryte??????????
Forgive me please? Gimme another chance to prove to you
that i can be a better person for you to love?
Please. I need this bby. I really need this. I really love you alot.
I wouldn't wanna lose you just like that. Cause I love you sia bby.
T.T Ouh GOD. How could I ever be this selfish ???
Im so ashamed of myself siaaaaaaaaa.
Lame2 aku rase bby nye love towards aku pon fade sia gini mcm.
Haiya. I suck. Serious fuck I suck.
Being a GF. I cant even plan things ryte.
I cant even make him happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CB lah. Sad taos. Haiys.
Just wish that things can be better when I meet him on Saturday.
Bby? No matter what please dont give up on me please?
I will not give up on you trust me.
Whatever you lecture me is true. And I appreciate that you point out my mistakes.
I wanna love you for YOU.
I dowan you to change. Just stay the same will you clif bby?