Wish my house was this big. yeheesss....XD
H E L L O ! XD
Let's update now. So bored plus tired XD
So yesterday Friday. Reach home.
Laze ard. Sempat tido jap. Then bby call.
So siap2 all I meet him at 6pm at Tai Seng there.
Wait for him to come down then he went up again -..-
Change shirt cause his shirt BIG -..-
Tau pakai lah kecik nye jgn kai besar nye oink2 ah kau. -..-
Then we walk to shop he buy LD menthol then off to PRP.
Reach PR inter went to Ananas Cafe. Then wat. 1st I eat Laksa.
Then I wat Nasi Ayam Cutlet. HAHA XD
Bby muke shock jap. HAHA mcm onggoi. LOL.
Expression priceless. LOL -..-
So after we eat went to PRP and slack there.
Watch funny videos with bby. Kekek nak mamps.
Then smoke here there ard 10+ gerak home.
We take MRT home lah. So yeah. Lucky got seat to sit.
Lau tak patah kaki aku diri -..-
So bby sent me home. Reach home at 12am. -..-
So the penat -..-
Dad scared me. Tgh bukak pintu beh die terperanjatkan aku dari blkg.
Dad. Dad -..-
Kene lecture jap ngn dad. Suppose to reach home b4 11pm -..-
So after lecture. I bath , eat and sleep.
Tgh tido beh bby text at 3+am. -..-
Aku fed-up tak reply. Tgh tido sebok msg. Pfft.
Then at 5am terbgn. Then 5.15am bby tetx I lagi -..-
Die tkleh tido. -..-
So I text him back then I sleep.
Tgh sedap tido mom kejot suro pergi breakfast which is just now morning2.
I havent wake up then dad pekek suro bgn. CB -..-
Bathed, siaped and off to Harbourfront nye inter and eat the beef noodle there.
Waaaaahhh sedap sio. Mkn free cause the owner is my dad nye relative ke ape tah.
Then go Harbourfront center see baby clothes. XD
Mom give birth next week ah. HAHA. XD LOL
Then went to slipper shop and bought Ripples nye flip flop.
To me its nice cause rainbow2. samore red my fav colour lah XD
Now at home. Nak kemas bilek pastu nak kuar p bugis.
The plan 4 today is to go to bugis 1st then city hall. yups2.
Tu jek lah. Ahahahahaha.
Besok pon kuar hehehehe.
Klah still thinking wat to wear. Hmmmmmmmsssss.........................
Klah till here. Betta siap now if not kenek lecture lagik.
Mangkok thats it. HAH. kk bye !
xoxo-myra ♥
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