YES! My bestfriends and friends are my world!
I can make it through with them by my side!
Hello! Im so happy! Idk why! Hahaha.
Wake up at 11+ am thx to mom lah -.-"
Got someone pass away and both my parents wanna go melawat.
Mom wants me to come along go Pusara Aman. But I told mom i dowan.
I wanna continue my sleep. Dad bought 4 me breakfast. Awww thx u so much dad.
Now Im using my lappy, blogging plus listening to the song stereo love.
Haha. I know old song ryte? Year 2009. But who cares its nice. Hehe.
Hmm..I wanna go Asking Alexandria's concert but boyfie not gg.
I thought I wanna go with my Goonies and Ahnn. But.. Boyfie tkde. So nanak ah.
Hehe. Mane2 pegi boyfie mesti ade. No him. No me. Hehe. No lah jk jek.
I have my schedule from Charlotte already. On the 1st day jek da blaja.
Patient Care Assisstance. At T06-30. Yups yups. Haiys -..-
Tkpelah. This time I have to buck up. No more playing ard.
Must2 study hard. Its my last year. So I wanna go Polytechnic.
And in order I wanna go, I have to study my ass off. I really wanna go Poly!!!!
Boyfie say "Not study hard. But study smart okay bby?"
I will boyfie I will. I wanna prove to others that ITE has life okay bukan no life -..-
Okay. Today's plan. Suppose to visit Jas and see her baby.
But thx to Korka! He got BL at skool! And ends at 3.30pm or 4pm -..-
Taik betol! Ade jek tao ni BL susahkan org jek tao. Mentang kentang skool nak bukak.
Haiys. Ade jek die nye nonok. _|_
Ouh yah ! And have you notice? Its been raining heavily for the past 2 days =(
Sad tao. Rain = cold+no fun at the beach =(
1 day I wanna go to the beach lah. Only me and boyfie jek.
I nak maen air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haiys =( kinda reminds me of my ex AMI =(
I still remember we went to Sentosa and chilled there. Play water.
God. Thats all memories aye. But idk why sometimes when Im alone.
He comes to my mind. Like wtf seyy. I've moved on already.
I dowan stuck in the past. The past hurts me too much. Serious shit.
My ex even deleted me from FB. Sedehkan. But wat u did to me lebeh menyedehkan lah ami.
Hmm..wish you all the best ami. =(
Okay nnti cyida nak dtg sini. Nak pki lappy. Die comp breakdown. Sedeh eyh.
Hahahahahahaha. Ade jgk kwn tok teman aku pat sini. HAHA.
Tu pon klo die jadi dtg. Maseh lom confem ni. HAHA.
Haiys. Lagi bape hari skool nak start seyy.. Mal nye...
Mal giler seyy. Tak larat pon ade. HAHA.
Hmm. I wish this year is much more better than last year ah.
Serious shit ah. I want my last year in ITE to be the best ever.
Yups yups. I want it to be. =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Hehe. Klah till here. I still havent bath tao. HAHA.
Ouh yah! I lupe mintak mommy duet ez-link card!
Tapi tkpe umah Jas dekat leh jln. Nyak nyak nyak !
Hehe I sooo cnt wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
klah till here. BYE!
xoxo=myra ♥
Labels: Clifyra Junior