This picture my bhy made it for me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thx bhy I really appreciate it you know. HAHA.
I love you too Murni Yatie bhy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And not forgetting Zarinah bhy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Muacx! You too are the bestest ever!!!!!!!

I love you so much.
Please dont ever fade away from me. =)
Hello! Sorry for not updating yesterday was very tired.
So lemme blog bout yesterday.
In the afternoon, as usual SYAMIL kcu aku.
Aku made it clear by posting smtg at his FB.
He also block me but wtf I care ryte?
Im happy with my life now. I regret it so much.
Letting him enter my life. CB. That was sucha wrong move.
Now, NO MORE. Die nak damai ngn aku. Aku pon nanak siol!
Nnti ade2 jek care die nak rosak kan relationship aku ngn CLIFORD!
CB. Tu part aku mcm nak tumbok muke die siot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gaahhh. Naseb die da brambos dari hidop aku. Yessa !!!!!!!!!!
Ouh ya then I chatted with bby for awhile.
Then bby suro I amek die from skool so I go pick him up lahh.
Hehe. Me and bby share account. Heh. I dont have any secrets to hide.
I trust him. I really do trust him alot. I dowan anyone else.
His infact the best boyfie I ever had. I noe some stories from certain people about him.
But trust me, his not 'GUY' anymore. His totally different. Really different.
He wants to send me home even though his tired.
He did a picnic surprise for me at the waterbreaker at NIGHT samore.
His sucha sweet pie and he even say he wanna meet me everyday.
Usually he comes to Yishun. But now. I must go Macpherson lahh.
Cian boyfie. Everytime he come here. Boleh mati dier. =P
HAHAHA. Joking jek lahh.....
So yesterday I waited for bby outside skool. Hehehehehehhehhheheheh.
Then he came along with John also then I told boyfie I wanna buy bag.
Then John suggest go Bugis. So ape lagi me and boyfie went to Bugis.
Bought my bag !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then jalan2 kejap. After that we go makan at burger king !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gaaaahhh! I always wanna eat burger king! Dapat jugak rase Burger King. Hehe.
Then slack there for awhile. Then went outside and boyfie smoke.
Haha. Usually I will smoke with boyfie but idk why yesterday I didnt.
Hehe. I can control lah. Smoke mati. Tak smoke tak mati. Hehe.
Then we took the 851 bus home. Boyfie send me home. Aww. Thx boyfie.
I love you velly2 much. Heheheehhehehehehehe.
Boyfie hanta me home and I reach home. Safe and sound.
Gaahhhh. Maybe I meet boyfie nari jugak?
Hehe. I cant get enough of boyfie lahh. I just LHSM.
Klah till here. I nak mandi and siap.
Gonna meet Yatie bhy and Zarin bhy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! weee~
Ouh ya I still havent take my testimonial seyyy. CB.
Gonna take it now. hahahha klah . byebye !
xoxo- myra ♥
Labels: Boyfie. I love you.