TTSH Grp 3

Us dancing

TTSH Grp 3

Me and Winnie Beth
Hello ! Im back here blogging.
It's gonna be a short post. Still tired haiys.
Winnie's party was a blast. As usual I was dead drunk.
Boyfie was there with me. Luckily you ade tao.
Lao tak, I dunno what happen to me. Hahhaahaha.
Smpi jek isap rokok. Minom.
Martell, Jim Beam, Vodka and Carlsberg. Hahahha.
Ape tak. Then kite joget2. I get to dance with my boyfie.
Happy nye I ! And2 my ex-date was there. Didnt realise it was him.
Till we chatted yesterday. Hahhhaaa. Small world.
Im meeting my ex-date soon. Cause I got loads to tell him.
And he also need my help. Hhahhaa. Next week busy. Haiys.
I need to meet my bro in arms. FIQ ! I need to meet fiq jugak,
Haiya. So busy woman lahh I ni. Hhahaha. Klah till here.
I penat liao. Ouh did I mention. I was hangover also.
Wahh cb. Da tuh tkpe bby ajak kuar gi clementi.
Meet his fren John and skate there. Wahh.
Luckily I felt better soon enough. Hhaha.
Okay lah saye dah malas mau type. K bye.
xoxo- myra ♥
Labels: 'i love you so much'