If ciggarettes were like this, I wont smoke.
But keep them as memories. HAHAHAH. FAKE !
Hello Yellow! Marshymellow !!!!!!!!!
Wanna say happy 43rd b'day to my daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Da besar anak Said ni. Muahahahha.
On his b'day he got his dream car. Best lahh kann.
Daddy use to drive a 4 seater Proton Savvy car.
The shape so cute like katak ^^
Now he upgrade to Hyundai Avante type RS or smtg.
Got custom made seats! Got body kit all.
And most importantly its the colour that thrills me!!!
Cause daddy's new car is RED in color !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I very the loike! Cause red is my fav colour!!!!!!!!!!!!
So yesterday met my ex date. Took a candid pic of him.
All pics in FB. Yeah we shared lots of stories.
And his velly cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He say 'adeq she confess to me she loves me*jumps up and down*'
Haha. Step cute jek kau CB. Then my cuzzy turon.
Then slack pat CCK jap then off to yishun and take 171 off to meet my family.
After that rounding2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy tao I dpt kuar with family. And2 tmrw mom nye pay.
I nak shop lahh ibu please. hahahahaha.
And2 smlm I gadoh ngn boyfie. Ouh hell. I'm so sorry boyfie.
I maki boyfie mcm nak mams gituk. Haiy. Boyfie kecewe ngn I.
I'm so velly sorry boyfie. Velly2 I am. Haiys.
But now da okay da. Tapi bile otp smlm ngn dier.
Dier cam tak okay. Maybe cause he still mad at me for maki him.
Sorry k baby? I love you no matter wat.
And2 smlm cousin boyfie msg me saying that their cousin passed away.
So I cepat2 call boyfie and tell him the bad news. Sorry to hear that.
My condolences to Salome.
Okay till here. I maseh nak tido. I sleepy.
Nnti jumpe Boyfie bab smlm tak dpt jumpe. Haiy sodeh nyaaa.
I nanak gadoh lagik please. I benci bile gadoh.
All of its my fault. Boyfie I mintak maaf please.
If you're reading this, I velly sorry k boyfie?
I love you. Always have and always will.
xoxo-myra ♥
Labels: i love you please