You always have that smile that I love =D
Okay I'm blogging again. Like totally!
Suppose to meet boyfriend now. Haha. Luckily I bath already.
Now time to siap2 only. Gonna wear the new shirt my kakak sedare bought fer me.
So gorgeous sioo. Me likey. I'll take a photo of it k? And I show it to you ppl.
Haha. Gonna go prima deli 1st. Pick up smtg for boyfie. Wahhahahaha.
Ouh yes. Tmrw is the buffet with my TTSH grp 3 ! Im fucking going!
Food oi! Sape nanak? Tol tak tol? Nyahahaha. Then maybe going zirca with boyfie.
Maybe jek. I also dunno whether want go or not. HAHHAHHAHAHA.
But lets enjoy today! Yeay! Okay2. I better go now. hahaha
Happy 2nd monthsary once again! Love kau darling.
I'll try to make this r'ship works k? You too. =D
xoxo- myra ♥
Labels: you know that i love you boy