I love my boyfriend for who he is. XD
I just came back from work. Tiring indeed. Yup.
Currently texting baby. Gosh baby please understand me.
Its not that I dont wanna meet you. Im tired.
Im also having my menses. 2nd day OMFG.
Only God knows how I feel at work.
Im in pain. And I got 1 patient Bed 46.
She's a pain in my ass. She keeps pressing the call bell.
Dunno wtf she wants. Keep asking for tissue. Grrr...
Sumpah irrits I tell you. Hmmss...
Keep thinking bout baby. I dowan him to be pissed off with me.
We never fight before. So if we fight, Idk what's gonna happen.
Now Im chatting with Fiq. My long lost fren. Haha.
He says he miss my laughter and I just laugh. HAHA.
We will meet after my attachment okays? Ryte now. Too busy.
I felt bad for not attending T.F pit. Hopefully they understanf my situation.
And I also think Im not gg for eeqa's b'day chalet.
Im so so sorry. During attachment Im too busy.
Aku cume sanggop kuar daerah yishun jek. SOrry lah korg manyak2.
Forgive me aye? =D
Ouh yes. I miss some1 soo much. That someone nvr on9 for so long already.
Please on9 soon honey. I wanna hear from you.
And to yatie bhy, anything just dont quit. Persevere k?
Remember me and za bhy always love you.
And to Fir. Yup anything aku update kau klo aku nak lepak ye?
Hehe. Alrights till here. I wanna go get my sleep.
Love you all .
xoxo - myra ♥
Labels: hate hate hate