I just want this pain feeling to go away
Things havent been so well since Thursday.
Problems and problems and more problems.
When I was just thinking bout relaxing my fucking mind.
Another problem occurs. Boyfriend problem is bothering me the most.
As much as I say, "IM GONNA BE OKAY"
It just doesnt work on me anymore. I've been hiding my fears. For a long time.
I wouldnt wanna show boyfriend that I fear.
But at the same time, I want him to know that Im afraid to lose him.
OUH !!!!!!! Whatever lahhh!!!! I hate life when this shit happens. FML.
Nothing seems right anymore. Thx to dearest and another dearest.
Idk what to say anymore. I guess Im gonna continue this dreadful path.
Meeting boyfriend later. Ouh shrugs. Last night. I cant sleep. Thx to some1!
Grr...boyfriend soon enough. I want space for myself and myself only.
Labels: Spaces _|_