Hello peopolas! I just came back from lepak with abg F only. S never come down 'cause she tired. Hmm..I smell something fishy! Okay skip! Today in the morning I heard sounds like bell but actually it's my house keys. Mom and Dad went Polyclinic for mom's check up. Why? 'Cause mom pregnant! Yeay. I'm gonna be a big big sister. BOOHOO! At first I didn't like it. But after much consultation from Lilidith. My new found friend! I kinda like it. Welcome new baby in the house. Didn't have any plans. I wanted to spend time with Bby. But Bby go watch movie with friend. So ****/******* betol. Haha! Pandai2 lahh korang guess2. So tgh stress right? Went to Lilidith's house listen to metal song and headbang. Imagine that. In her room samore -.-" Then I'm still bored and I always know who can cheer me up. That's abg F yeaps! Met him, discuss baby's name and lots more. And we even step ILLUMINATI haha. Tapi kite nye ILLUMENANTI! HAHAHA! Adelah cite disebaliknye. Haha. We're under the block and make noise you know. LOL all the way. And! I've been eating alot! Abg F say "Girl tadi kau makan, skg kau makan" Muahaha! Aku tak pasal! 'Cause aku tak akan gemok pon! LOL. And spammer kau nak spam , spam lahh k? Aku layankan jek. Lame2 kau pon akan bored ngn aku nye. Kau mesti carik victim laen nyer. Just watch! Muahaha! Now I leave you with pictures of me and abg F. Sorry no pics of Lilidith 'cause that metal chick so black! *inside joke*
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