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Myra Junior's The Name Lah People

Cliford Junior's My Other Half

June 17, 2010 ♥
Title:MY PREPAID LOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time:6/17/2010 12:01:00 PM

Hello fucking earthlinks! I'm so tired of trying to be good always ! And you people act as though nothing happens! Kawan? Haha! Fuck you! Kau piker part ginik kawan ke? Puki mak kau lahh sundal! Kawan tak makan kawan ataupon tinggal kan kawan lahh weii! Haha! Bodoh lahh weii! Kau nye perangai! And to you people who reading my blog! Sorry for the colourful language okayh? Juat pissed off lahh. That's all. Haha! And please ask me who is this sundal before you people blog bout me okayh? Gets your facts straight first then you shoot me! If not! Fuck you ! people! Sial betol!

Okay skip lets talk about ME! Indeed yesterday was my last day of attachment! I'm so freaking happy! Yesterday at work I keep telling Adi. Last day last day! And Adi pon naek fed-up cause of that. But what to do? Dah sungguh happy! Haha! Then I told hafiz and sarah! dorang 2 pon naek fed-up. hahah! aku tau lahh korang eyh! But leaving the hospital i felt a twinge of sadness okayh! I'm gonna miss my patients! especially anak SIM ngn anak BOHARI! haha! kekek lahh dorang! they make my day at work not boring. yups.

but i was already to eager to leave ah. 'cause da tak sabar kan. then bile da time nak balek we quickly take our thinga and wait for adi to change ah. blah blah blah. when back to our cubicle and shake hands and bid goodbye! yup! we also say goodbye to the april intake as we will see them at school on the 5th of july. seriously i dont feel thrilled to go back to school. thinking bout school makes me think of more homework, more difficult phase test. Haiy! Well atmost I have my HAPPY PEOPLE! To make my day less dreadful in school!

And now! I woke up at 11.30am. woohoo! i had enough sleep! but somehow yesterday's dream make me cry when I wake up. Haiy. It's all so real okayh! Pfft! Please I dowan that to come true! I'm soo scared! :/

I'm playing Superjam at facebook now since jamlegend tgh under maintainance! haiyo! drpd hari tu seyy! nak maen takleh pissed3! haish! okay then 'till here lahh. aku da bobal byk sgt ! aku skg nak buat teh vanilla and chill 1 corner sebab bilek aku tak bulat! hahah! kk da. bye!


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Myra Junior's the name.
Forever the same.
Will never change.
My two best darlings.
No one can replace them.
Cliford Junior's since 20.10.2010.
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Other than that happy staying ^^
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