Not The Fallen Performance
Hello ! Yesterday's gig was a blast \m/
Especially Death Defyrez , Blood of an Arsonists , Lyssa's Requeiem lots more !
Gerek doh ! I enjoyed myself inside !
Me and bby headbang. Haha. Skg leher aku saket doh ! Babi tol !
Haiyayaya. There's so much too update but Im so lazy to type.
Haffys never tegor me seyy ! I was waiting for him to come but never tegor.
Pedah ??!!! Nxt time tegor liao le. Haha.
Im helping my cuzzy out with the gig Zack organise so dpt gaji jugak ah.
Best doh ! Cant wait for next week ah siol. See what happens next weehoo~
Today I plan nak dok umah jek ah. Saket leher. Tak larat nak bgn n kuar.
Ouh yah HAPPY 5th MONTHSARY BBY ! I love Clif J.
Never in my life I regret meeting him . Hehu . Thats all I can say !
Alryties. Have a blast on yr weekends people.
Ouh yah Secondary School students , today's yr last day to enjoy yr holiday.
So sad aye ? But tkpelah endure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
K bye .
xoxo - myra \m/ |
Labels: Muscle ache everywhere