Heelloo! Best kan ade b'day cake cam gitu???
Ouh my geee. Im turning 17 tmrrw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I so cant wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha. In fact I can actually. But i'll be jumping up and down lahh.
Nyahahahhaahhas. Wahh da besar anak mama eyyh?? LOL.
Mom and dad thx for everything. U rily understanfd how I feel and all.
Really appreciate for accepting Clif as my boyfie. Now no more secrets and Im free.
HAHA. And2 I wanna spend my b'day with the 1 i love mmost. Really!!!!!!!!!
I wanna spend time with my bestest! girlfriends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I kinda miss them already. They were there when I needed them.
They were my everything. Thx u yatie bhy and za bhy.
Ive learnt the true meaning of friendship aye. Really. Thx to both of you girls.
Iloveyou girls to my meats and bones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay2 dada. ouh ya my granny owes me a b'day present!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha. granny gimme my $$ and i buy wat i want !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hoho. k bye.
Labels: da besar anak ibu and ayah