Hello ! Im not going for today's event by smoove.
Im following my asshole a.k.a aku peh bby lepak no chill out lahh aye.
Haha. He say he and his frens celebrating November babies b'day.
Imma november baby myself. My b'day on 261193. HAHA.
Korg2 aku nak present tao! Belikan kay? fav colour aku RED.
Or in chinese is called "ang ang" HAHHA ! WTF MYRA !
Muke tatawu malu sia aku. Hehe ^^ tapi atleast sedar jugak peh? Nyah boh?
Then bby kate sean bringing Vodka. HAHA. LOL. so i ask bby whether i can drink or not.
He say 'idk' then i say why? and he told me smtg and i understand.
I find it cute sial! Haha! Okayh I wanna go drinking ngn bby lahh b4 he goes away.
Haiy sad taos he no hab. I layan who? cheyy. I ade my T.F and BGF's.
Gonna spend time with them pulak lahhh. Hoho. Lame tak jumpe yatie bby and za bby.
Miss the two of them so muchy. I know lah i ade mataer i mcm luperkan korg.
I sorry :/ ni mataer ku nak berambos i nak spend time ngn korg.
I rindu our zaman secondary sio. me, yatie, za, su, sri, tasha. haiy :/
satu2 menghilang kecuali korg 2 nyaaaaa. I oni contact ngn korg 2 jek. Yg laen tidak.
Hmmm...i must msg yatie bby lah. i miss her crazyness taos! die nye giler leh wat i go gila too.
and2 i ni nga tunggu bby asshole reply i nye msg pai skg tak reply.
eyh by favour k? gi buang tu hp sua! pki private public phone.
gi mane2 kau bawak jek senang aku nak contact ngn kau! -____-
im not mad at bby or wat lahh. just frust jek. tak gune lao msg tak reply.
waste my 5 cents. tu pon duet k? duet prepaid aku loh. cb.
aku bukan referring to bby jek taos. yg laen klo terase k best (Y)
i suka org2 yg mcm gini. -_____________-
ouh yah farhan donny !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aku rindu kau lahh asshole ! bila mau jumpa lagi sio?
mase ade event yg sheesha kau tak gi =( kau ade maulot.
alaaahhhhh....bila2 free jumpa aku kiteorg sume yaw !!!!!!
aku rindu kau peh melatah! kau peh kecoh2!
aku maseh igt lagi yg time kite lepak pat tmart, PRP masok swamp!
aku, kau and pikaCHU! lepak pat sengkang. sialah!!!!!
tu sume kenangan sio. lame siak tak jumpe kau!
beh biler aku tkde rokok kau sharing2 kau nye winston ngn aku. haiya sodeyh nyaaa.
haha. skg kau digelarkan abg N E R D eyh? haha ade2 jeklah ni anak.
and2 aku maseh igt biler kau text kite sume imy ! omg. we miss u too lah!
especially kau peh eeqa moktel. rindu kau banget loh! hahah!
oik oik! 19th dec ade event! 27th dec pon! hopefully kau leh make it lahh sioo.
aku nak jumpe kau! and2 aku nak kcu kau abg kuching! haha
kenangan2 ouh ouh ouh -________-
A N I Z ! lao ade gig nak gi together tak? haha ! =D
klah till here nak mkn ORANGE ! eyh eyh eyh !!!
syamz just text me ! -____- alah kau eyh!
aku piker bby aku sioo! cibai syamz u cheat my feelings.
kate jek nak gi sheesha ngn aku tapi habok sia kau.
-__________- haha msg aku stakat hello wat u doing jek eyh?
bile bored carik aku lah? eyhk? haha! klah hoho ku mal nak lai kau.
hmmmmphhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and FERRA ! aku rindu kau sioo.
save yr money and lets go to asking alexandria concert ngn aku and bby k?
okay lah ive blabbered enuff k da bye!
Labels: Farhan Donny i miss you :/