Cause the previous blogskin mcm boring gitu nyaaa.
Okay hols are here. Aku maseh jalan raye !
Weeee!!!!!!!!! Aku suka kau peh MONEY !!
Since monday I've been meeting GF. But today no.
Gg out. Jalan raye !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tmrw da start work. Uh-oh. What a bummer. Mls nye gituk eyyh?
But tkpelah. Im trying to cheer myself up. Ake asek layan blues !
Aku tau lerr! So today nak pakai ape eyh?
Hmmm...k da plan ! Set !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Currently chatting with vin and wanyolkuntongkia.
HAHA. Da pencen perr boi??? LOL
Okay aku rindu ARSYAH! WTF ! I want meet him soons.
LOL. Okay da bye !
Labels: Nightmare