Hello. This is going to be a short post. Going out later again! =.="
This whole week asek kuar jek! Haha. Okays.
Yesterday after work meet my cuz since die nak lepak sgt. And khai ade. Haha.
Then I was suppose to meet fahmi. So I tell my cuz I meeting Fahmi lahh.
Then he say meet ah, I later meet you somewhere. So I go meet fahmi.
Still the same old him. No change. Talk for a bit then off to meet my cuz and khai.
Slack-ed at block 211. Haha. Me and khai never fast so we eat, drink, smoke.
Haha. Tgn berjalan jek. So chill2 smpi nak kat buke they buke my house.
After that slack-ed again at 211 'till 10pm. Then off home.
Online with ZB ! Heh. Then sufi msged. Khai call. Haha. Da lahh wann.
SETIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheyy mcm paham -.-"
Kk. tiilll here I wan go out with uncle !
Mamam swensens !
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